Christian Brothers Academy

Welcome to Christian Brothers Academy!

CBA utilizes the online service of FACTS for both Financial Aid application processing and Tuition Payment Plans.

If you are a previous user of FACTS you will use the same Username and Password that you have in the past.  If you are new to FACTS, you will need to register as a new user.


The application process is self-guided.  You may navigate in and out of the system allowing you to partially complete an application and then go back to it at another time.  

After completing the application you will be required to upload copies of your supporting documents to FACTS. When submitting your documents please include your Application ID number on all documents.

The deadline to file a financial aid application for the 2024-25 school year is February 9, 2024.  If you have not filed your 2023 tax return by this date, you may use your 2022 tax return along with your 2023 W-2.  Once you have submitted the on-line application, you will be required to submit your 2023 Tax Returns, to FACTS, when they have been completed.  


Monthly Payments: Spread your tuition balance over 10 monthly installments

Semiā€“Annual: Pay your tuition in two installments

Payment Methods Offered -  Automatic Withdrawal from a Savings or Checking account.

Having difficulties? Check our FAQs.