Illinois Lutheran School

Welcome to Illinois Lutheran School!

We are pleased to offer FACTS Payment Plans and Grant & Aid Financial Needs Assessment on the same platform.

Enrolling in a FACTS tuition payment plan allows you to select a payment option that best suits your financial needs. The plans listed below are offered by your school. Depending on the start and end date of each plan, they may not always be offered.

Monthly Payments:
Spread your tuition balance over monthly installments.
Payment Methods Offered: Credit Card, Automatic Bank Draft

Semi-Annual Payments:
Pay your tuition in two installments.
Payment Methods Offered: Credit Card, Automatic Bank Draft

Payment in Full:
FACTS is a quick, secure method for paying your tuition balance in full.
Payment Methods Offered: Credit Card, Automatic Bank Draft

Please note, payments made through a credit card are assessed an
additional charge for processing.

For more details about the options above, create an online account.

Simple Steps to Enroll in a Payment Plan or Apply for Financial Aid Online:

1. Read The Philosophy of Financial Aid listed below.

2. You will then sign in or create an online account.

3. Then click on the Set Up a Payment Plan or ​Start Application link.

4. Complete the steps as prompted.

The Philosophy of Financial Aid

At Illinois Lutheran Schools, financial aid is an intricate part of our ministry, a part of our ministry that provides opportunity. Our financial aid decisions are guided by the very same Biblical principles integrated into our entire educational program. 

… The opportunity for a better education,
… The opportunity for better college,
… The opportunity for more college scholarship help,
… The opportunity to be better fathers, mothers, husbands, and wives,
… The opportunity to give oneself to a lifetime of service,
… The opportunity to live a set apart life, a life of distinction, and most importantly
… The opportunity to spend eternity in bliss with our Loving Heavenly Father.

Opportunity. At its essence, needs-based financial aid represents opportunity for children of all races, sexes, and income levels.   Financial aid is a profound opportunity …
achieve God’s high calling in their lives. In stewarding, this precious and limited opportunity, St. Paul’s words, from prison, remind us:

But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on towards the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus. (Phil. 3:13, 14)

Sacrifice. “Let the children come to me.  Don’t stop them!” (Mark 10:14).

At Illinois Lutheran, our goal is to give opportunity to as many children as possible. Therefore, it is expected that financial aid recipients forego luxuries to pay all that is possible towards their children’s education.

“Present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice.” (Romans 12:1).

Ultimately, everyone at Illinois Lutheran is sacrificing to provide this precious lifetime opportunity for the children. Teachers, staff, administrators all make less than worldly opportunities provide. Widows, the elderly, working families and others support our schools through congregational subsidy. In decades past, sacrificing donors made possible the school facility we now enjoy – many of these saints have passed on to glory and are now part of the “huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith.” (Heb. 12: 1)

While the FACTS process for financial aid is a tool to determine the amount you can pay, ultimately we ask families to do as much as they possibly can. That way, all children and families in our communities, who are willing to sacrifice, can have the opportunity for a better life in Christ for their children.  

Financial Aid Points to Ponder

Financial aid at Illinois Lutheran Schools is provided to give a diverse group of parents – parents who agree with our visions and values – the profound opportunity of a Christian education for their children.   Where needed and justified, Illinois Lutheran Schools provides just enough financial aid to make it possible for the largest possible group of students to attend our school. Each person does his or her part to make this happen.

Christian education is inherently a sacrifice.

In receiving financial aid we ask that our parents consider the following points:

In short, financial aid at Illinois Lutheran is an opportunity for children and families who through the power of the Holy Spirit are able to rise above their circumstances to

(1) In receiving financial aid, I (we) understand that we will not be paying the full cost to educate our child.

(2) I (we) will fill out the financial aid assessment fairly and honestly. 

(3) I (we) have reasonably pursued other sources of funds for tuition beyond our current income (savings, investments, other).

(4) I (we) will avoid unduly expensive vacations, unnecessary large expenditures such as brand new automobiles, boats, etc. while we are receiving financial aid.

(5) In fairness to other school families, I (we) will make every effort to be employed in a way that honors the commitment to family.

(6) We will look into signing up for the SCRIP program so that we can earn additional financial support for our family.

(7) (If divorced) I will make every reasonable effort to get tuition support from the other parent. 

(8) (If divorced, other parent supporting tuition) I have included the other parents’ income on the FACTS application (or he/she has filled out a separate application)

(9) Someday, if able, I want to support the financial aid program for future families at ILS.

Thank you for considering these points.

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