Welcome to St. Peter Academy!
Simple steps to Enroll in a Payment Plan for the Period 2025-2026

    If you are an Existing FACTS user, please enter your username & password and click Sign in

    If you are a New FACTS User, click  Create a username & password. . First, type the
account owner’s email address, click on   Create a New FACTS account , then fill up the
contact/s info. On the Hello screen, select the correct period (2025-2026) click on
 Set up a Payment Plan . Here you’ll create your online profile (username, password &
Phone authentication), review information & submit. Add Student/s, choose a Payment Plan
& provide your Payment Details

    You are not paying anything at this time; a finalized agreement will be emailed to you
before July.

Tuition Payment Plans (Full, Semi-Annual, and Monthly)                Payment Due Dates     

        Pay tuition in Full (FACTS Annual Enrollment Fee $25) ………..……. 1  payment   Jul 10  or Aug  10

        Pay tuition Semi-Annually (FACTS Annual Enrollment Fee $25) ……2  payments   Jul 10 &  Jan  10

        Spread tuition over 11 Months (FACTS Annual Enrollment Fee $55) 11 payments   Jul 10  -  May 10

        Spread tuition over 10 Months (FACTS Annual Enrollment Fee $55) 10 payments Aug 10  -  May 10
FACTS Annual Enrollment Fee is charged per family, is due within 14 days & is not refundable.

Tuition Rates: https://spare.org/tuition Questions? Call (201) 261-3468 or Email: dkjeldaas@spare.org

A $175 Activity Fee for Pre-K 3 & Pre-K 4 students will be added to your first Invoice

A $150 cash/check Registration Fee is due at registration/re-registration thereafter in January

A $650 HSA FFO per year will be charged to PK 3 Full Day - 8th gr. & $325 to PK 3 5 Half
per Family
. To select your payment click
https://spare.org/family-fundraising-obligation by
Mon. June 26.

A $50 Technology Fee will be collected at St. Peter Academy the first week in September.

Families Setting Up Payment Plan after July 31 are required to make the 1st tuition payment
and fees immediately, regardless of the 1st scheduled due date.  St. Peter Academy operates
on a prepaid basis

Payment Methods Fee - A 2.95% fee will be added when using Debit, American Express,
Master Card, Visa or Discover cards. There is No Fee
for Bank Draft from your checking or
saving account

Invoicing - FACTS will email invoices 20 days prior to each payment due date.

Tuition Due date - The 10th of every month. If the payment date falls on a weekend or
Banking Holiday Observed by the Federal Reserve
, the payment will be attempted on the
following business day. Although FACTS specifies the date each payment will occur, your
financial institution determines the time of day the payment is debited to the account

Payment Due Date Change Request-FACTS will email payment reminders two days prior to
due date. Call the (201) 261-3468 at least two Business days prior to your scheduled due date.

A $30  Returned Payment Fee will be charged when payment is returned. After two failed
Attempts, Student’s Educational services & FACTS accounts will be suspended
until the
Account is brought current. Call FACTS at (866) 412-4637 to authorize payment or bring
payment (no checks) to the school office.

A $20 Past due Fee will be charged if payment has not been received by the due date on the

Before & After School Care charges will be billed through FACTS every two weeks and is
due within 10 business days.

Having difficulties? Check our FAQs.