Welcome to Overbrook Catholic School!
We are pleased to offer you a convenient online method to enroll in your payment plan and to apply for financial assistance.
If you have an existing Tuition Payment Plan through FACTS, please select "Sign In to Manage Your FACTS Account." Use your existing username and password to log in and select Apply for Financial Aid. If you are a New FACTS User, please select "Create a FACTS Account."
All financial assistance applications and supporting documentation must be submitted to FACTS by February 1st.
For questions regarding the following, please contact:
- FACTS Management Company for problems accessing your account, (866) 441-4637
- Overbrook Catholic School Business Office about your payment plan, (615) 383-3230 x406
- Overbrook Catholic School Admissions about the enrollment process, (615) 292-5134 x636
For those seeking Financial Assistance, please check Tuition and Financial Assistance, Affording Overbrook Catholic School (overbrook.edu) for additional information about OCS scholarship opportunities.