St Francis Catholic High School


If you have used FACTS before, simply Sign In to manage your account.

If you are new to FACTS, click on the “Create a username & password” button to create an online account.

Please Note: You are now allowed to reschedule (online without authorization or by calling FACTS) a tuition withdrawal up to 5 days. For example, if you know a payroll deposit will not be deposited to your account until a day after your scheduled tuition withdrawal, you can use this feature to reschedule your withdrawal (up to 5 days) to when the funds will be available.  Please make the change two business days before your scheduled withdrawal.

Reminder from the Business Office

All tuition accounts must be current by April 25, 2025, for students to sit for final exams. For Seniors, Cap and Gowns will not be given out until their tuition account is current.. The status of your tuition account could also affect your daughter receiving her report card, transcripts and/or diploma if all financial obligations to the school are not met.
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